The Poet And The Poems

Talking Through

A.H. Mehr
1 min readSep 1, 2022


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

You might be hesitant to call yourself a poet,
probably because you have your doubts
or you are being modest about being so.

You may not understand the value of a poem,
maybe because (you think) poems may not give you fame overnight,
or because you haven’t yet realized how valuable a poem is.

Yet, being able to write a poem is the biggest blessing that God
might have bestowed upon you, by giving that ability/that sheer sense,
or perhaps you’d have developed the passion over time to express yourself.

A poem is a beautiful experience that not many people can experience.

Poems are safe havens for your emotions, feelings, and thoughts,
to house all those emotions, feelings, and thoughts with care,
without a care in the world, without the worry of being judged,
sharing stories of pain and joy, whole new anticipation,
the thrill as you write… that feels like a deliberate dream…
that weaving of words, a tapestry of delicate threads
from your mind’s quiet canvas, giving a
beautiful form to some forgotten
and some new formless words, and…
then… making poems out of them.

Copyright © 2022 — A.H. Mehr



A.H. Mehr

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.