
Life Skills Education

Should Be Given Due Importance

A.H. Mehr
1 min readMay 9, 2022


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

While we talk about many things that we should be teaching children, life skills have remained one area of education that has not been given the due importance it deserves.

Be it home or school, life skills should be imparted to children early on.

Along with the values inculcated by parents at home during a child’s growing up years, schools and education are also the foundation of their success and whatever they achieve later in life.

If schools start practicing and inculcating life skills as part of the primary curriculum, there will be a higher percentage of children who will grow up to be confident, sensible, empathetic, and kind individuals. They will be better equipped at handling difficult situations.

This is what is needed in this tumultuous world that we are living in right now. I believe it is!

A.H. Mehr



A.H. Mehr

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.