

A.H. Mehr
Aug 12, 2021
Photo by Ken Cheung on Unsplash

Equanimity or being Equanimous
is not being indifferent or magnanimous.

It is having a tranquil and calm mind,
unaffected by the unpleasant kind.

It is not being aloof or indifferent,
it is not being stoic or incoherent,

It is about accepting all the good and bad,
and moments that would be sad.

It is about being responsible for our actions,
absorbing negativity without reactions.

Equanimity is all about staying calm,
in a world of insanity without any qualms.

Equanimity is also one of the life skills we should possess. It is not easy to be calm despite life’s struggles, but Equanimity can certainly be achieved. Sharing my favorite quote on this below.

“Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity, opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.” ― Albert Einstein

©A.H. Mehr



A.H. Mehr

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.