Shortform — My Opinion

Being Naive

Is Both An Advantage And A Disadvantage

A.H. Mehr
2 min readNov 2, 2021


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Naivety is a good thing, not in a negative sense in that a person should behave immature, cannot take decisions, lacks judgment and wisdom, and still it is good. It is only about innocence, not having bad vibes, not interfering in other people’s lives, but also not being ignorant of important happenings around them. I am not that naive, but sometimes I am told that I am and do not understand the world, people, and certain matters. I live in my world. There are two sides to this as per my knowledge. Either “I am immature and cannot understand things or I am not affected by things happening around me.” I am quite simple in nature and I carry on with my work. I do not lack judgment or wisdom, and life’s experiences have taught me a lot of things. Yet, the most important part is, I don’t get involved in unnecessary matters and keep to myself. I understand it is not good, but then, that’s my nature. I take a lot of time to trust people, but by that time, people would have taken advantage. My simplicity and naivety give people an opportunity to hurt me. It has happened many times. Yet, I am not the lone human being who is like this, there are many people in this world who are naive. In a way, being naive is good. You don’t get robbed of your innocence. You can be what you are without worrying about what others think of you. I have learned that at the same time, being naive is a little disadvantageous as well. One needs to safeguard themselves from getting hurt in this process and be mindful of the circumstances and people around them.

©A.H. Mehr — November 2021



A.H. Mehr

Graphophile - In a small way, but loving this aesthete's journey.